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Jüdische Weisheit

The European Jewish Peace Site



Nachrichten & Analysen:

Published bimonthly by:

P. O. Box 2542
Holon 58125, ISRAEL
Phone/fax 972-3-556-5804
Editor: Adam Keller; Coeditor: Beate Zilversmidt

In 1982 and 1983, the horrors of the Lebanon War divided Israeli society and turned the attention of the world to the explosive situation in the Middle East. It was during this time that the Israeli Council for Israeli- Palestinian Peace (ICIPP) decided to broaden the impact of its activities by establishing an English-language newsletter, THE OTHER ISRAEL.

Published bimonthly, THE OTHER ISRAEL aims to provide extensive coverage of the diverse struggles waged by the Israeli peace movement at large. It reports on a great variety of activities, most of which find little or no mention in the world media. It also contains commentaries on events in Israel and the Middle East from a perspective in which the interests of Israelis and Palestinians are ultimately reconcilable.

More and more Israelis, Palestinians and interested groups and individuals all over the world are responding to THE OTHER ISRAEL. The newsletter is available at libraries in Israel, in the Occupied Territories, and in universities throughout the world. It is used as a source by journalists and quoted by political scientists.

Recent reader comments:

  • "Thanks for the fine work which is being done in publishing such relevant information about Palestine and Israel, which has notbeen available to many of us through other sources..."
  • "Things look so bleak over there. THE OTHER ISRAEL remains a balm-- smart, sane, compassionate, informative, insightful. Keep up the excellent work."

Yearly subscription rates:

  • Individuals: $30
    Institutions: $50
    Limited income: $15

The equivalent in other currencies may be remitted to the editorial office above. However, we encourage readers to subscribe through the following regional offices:

  • France, Belgium, Switzerland:
    Boissin, 16 rue Ernestine, 75018 Paris, FRANCE
    (a French translation of selected articles is available.)
  • Austria, Germany:
    Israel-Palaestina Komitee
    c/o John Bunzl, Biberstrasse 8/20, 1010 Wien, AUSTRIA
  • The Netherlands:
    SIVMO, Postbus 15823, 1001 NH Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
  • U.S.A.:
    America-Israel Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, 405 Davis Court, Apt. 2106, San Francisco, CA 94111, U.S.A.
  • Back issues in microfiche are available from:
    Human Rights Internet
    University of Ottawa
    57 Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5S6, CANADA
  • THE OTHER ISRAEL's archive (peace movement documents since 1980s) is accessible at:
    Lavon Institute
    3 Nehardea St., Tel-Aviv
    International Institute of Social History
    Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS

For a free sample copy of the most recent issue of THE OTHER ISRAEL, please send your name and postal mailing address to

Another Site with Informations about 'The Other Israel'

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