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Jüdische Weisheit


The Beduwin Jahalin tribe have been evacuated again.

Six months ago the tribe was evacuated to a hill next to the garage dump of the Keidar Settlement.
On February 16 they were evacuated again. This was done to make room for the ever growing Ma'ale Edomim settlement. This time they refused to move. As a result, their tents were pulled down and they are forced to live under the cold winter sky, with no shelter and no way to take care of very basic needs.

This barbaric act casts shame on all of us. The least we can do, is find out what is happening and Fax the Israeli Government representatives, expressing our rage and shame.

  • General Mandi Or - Civil Administration Fax: 00972-2-9977356
  • Shlomo Politos - Legal Consultant Fax: 00972-2-9977326
  • Peter Lerner - Spokesman Fax: 00972-2-9977018

Zur 9.Münchner Buchmesse:
Uri Avnery in München

"äðéãîì äìåò ìçðúî ìë" :ùãçä ìâðé'âä úà ãéøåäì øùôà
(K170-ë åìãåâù wav õáå÷)

Download our new Jingle (in Hebrew) "every settler costs..."
The Jingle is approx 170Kb in wav format.

Jeder Siedler kostet den Staat eine halbe Million NIS im Jahr
Jeder Schekel in die Siedlungspolitik ist ein Schekel gegen den Frieden!
Jeder Siedler kostet den Staat eine halbe Million NIS im Jahr - Tatsache!

...''äðùá ç''ù ïåéìéî éöç äðéãîì äìåò ìçðúî ìë'' ramkol-g.gif (1772 Byte)
Nur 30kB als RealAudi-File

ra-free.gif (1359 Byte)

Texte bei á úåòãåîì
Earlier Statement - úîãå÷ä äòãåîì
Table of Contents: Gush haShalom - íåìùä ùåâ :ïëåú


03 - 522 17 32 øôñéîá åðúéà åøù÷úä
Israel - ìàøùé 61033 áéáà-ìú 3322 ã''úì åáúë åà

úåàáä úåòãåîäå úåìåòôä ïåîéîá åðì åøæò
.úáåúëä äúåàì íé÷'öá

For Information about actual events see:

e-Mail: :éðåøè÷ìà øàåã êøã øù÷úäì íâ ïúð

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