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Two weeks ago, Israeli soldiers were sent in the middle of the night to attack three locations of bedouin in the Jiftlik area of the Jordan valley. They uprooted 21 families, some 200 human beings, and took away everything – tents, food and water containers, leaving them with nothing. When Palestinian neighbors gave them other tents, the army returned and took them away too. Since then the victims – adult and young, old and babies, are forsaken in the blistering sun.

Not one of the Israeli media mentioned this atrocity.

This is one of hundreds of systematic actions undertaken now on the ground with the sole aim of "cleansing" those territories earmarked by the Netanyahu government for annexation, with or without a "permanent settlement".

According to the Netanyahu map, more than half of the West Bank as well as a third of the Gaza strip will be annexed to Israel - the aim being to annex them, as far as possible, without their inhabitants.

This inhuman method does have a name: Ethnic Cleansing.

Gush Shalom ad, Ha’aretz, June 12, 1998.

The National Boycott
of the Products of the Settlements goes on.

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Ask for the lists of the products by phone, mail or web site of Gush Shalom. Every Shekel for the settlements is a shekel against peace!

...''äðéãîì äìåò ìçðúî ìë'' :ùãçä ìâðé'âä úà ãéøåäì øùôà
(K170-ë åìãåâù wav õáå÷)

Download our new Jingle (in Hebrew) "every settler costs..."
The Jingle is approx 170Kb in wav format.

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Earlier Statement - úîãå÷ä äòãåîì
Table of Contents: Gush haShalom - íåìùä ùåâ :ïëåú


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